5 Feb, 2019

Why income tax levy when Loans are waived ...

Every business has Loans and Liabilities and everyone wants to pay it on time. Sometime situation arises where we are no...

3 Feb, 2019

Prohibition on Issue of Shares at Discount

Often Shares are issued at a premium. Sometimes the situation arises where we decide to issue shares at a discount. Disc...

3 Feb, 2019

Set up a Liaison Office in India

Liaison office is set up by a foreign company in India to carry out the liaison activity for its business. The company c...

2 Feb, 2019

Post budget your salary would be exempted ...

Yesterday interim budget was presented. It was the budget for salaried employees. Till now the major source of collectio...

2 Feb, 2019

Key Budget 2019 Highlights

No income tax for income up to Rs 6.5 lakh (Rs 5 lakh + Rs 1.5 lakh under 80C of the Income Tax Act) Standard ded...

28 Jan, 2019

How Bad debts are treated in Income tax act?

In spite of efforts made, few debtors refuse to pay either intentionally of unintentionally.  Bad debts are common in e...

28 Jan, 2019

Guiding Principles for determination of Pl...

Section 6(3) of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (the Act), prior to its amendment by the Finance Act, 2015, provided that a com...

27 Jan, 2019

What is Form 15CA and 15CB?

The person responsible for paying to a non-resident, not being a company, or to a foreign company, any sum, whether ...

26 Jan, 2019

Exemption from capital gain on sale of pro...

Who can claim benefit of Section 54? Benefit is available to an Individual or a Hindu undivided family (HUF),...

26 Jan, 2019

One more compliance added for Private Limi...

Private Limited Company will have to file detail of Loans standing in their books of accounts. Ministry of Corpor...

23 Jan, 2019

Capital gain not to be charged on investme...

 1. Applicability of Section 54EC: Long-term capital gain arises from the transfer of a capital asset [, bein...

23 Jan, 2019

Buyer shall be liable to pay interest to t...

Government has enacted’’ The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006’’ (MSMED Act 2006) with...

22 Jan, 2019

Guidance Note on Audit of Banks 2019 edition

Guidance note in audit of banks has been issued by Institute of Chartered Accountant of India (ICAI) on 21st January 201...

18 Jan, 2019

Now Investor needs to have sufficient inco...

Have you ever thought raising money from investors would be easier than convincing income tax official? Have you ever th...

18 Jan, 2019

Soon you will get Income Tax Refund in a day.

Now delay in processing of income tax return and refund could soon become a thing of past. The union government has a...

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