Appointment of Director in a Private Limited Company: A Practical Guide

9 Jan, 2023

Appointment of Director in a Private Limit...

A director is a member of a company's board of directors, which is responsible for making important decisions that shap...

Tax Planning Strategies and Tips for Salaried People

8 Jan, 2023

Tax Planning Strategies and Tips for Salar...

As an employee in India, it is important to understand the rules and regulations applicable to the employees working in...

GST: A Brief Overview of India’s New Tax System

8 Jan, 2023

GST: A Brief Overview of India’s New...

What is GST The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a comprehensive indirect tax levied on the supply of goods and servi...

Employee to submit Tax Savings Proof to HR

6 Jan, 2023

Employee to submit Tax Savings Proof to HR

The employees are constantly worried about their income tax because they fall into the high tax bracket, which is 30 pe...

Legal requirements and content of Tax Invoice under the GST

4 Jan, 2023

Legal requirements and content of Tax Invo...

The goods and services act was introduced in 2017 which included a tax on supply of goods as well as services, unlike t...

Concept of Real Income, Hypothetical Income, and Tax-Free Salary

3 Jan, 2023

Concept of Real Income, Hypothetical Incom...

The word ‘Income’ is defined under section 2(24) of the income tax act. The section defines the ‘income’ as Inc...

Meaning of Assessee under the Income Tax Act

2 Jan, 2023

Meaning of Assessee under the Income Tax Act

Who is the assessee under the income tax act? Assessee means a person who has been assessed to income tax or who pay...

The untouched provisions of Income Tax on Partnership

30 Dec, 2022

The untouched provisions of Income Tax on ...

A partnership firm in a real sense is an agreement between two or more persons to carry out the business with certain t...

Income tax on Deemed Dividend Income

29 Dec, 2022

Income tax on Deemed Dividend Income

What is Deemed Dividend: The deemed dividend is not defined under the income tax act 1961. The dividend generally me...

What is Right Share and Income tax on Right Share?

26 Dec, 2022

What is Right Share and Income tax on Righ...

A company whether it is a private limited company or a limited company has many options to receive capital from its exi...

Income tax on Dividend received by Resident and Non-Resident

6 Dec, 2022

Income tax on Dividend received by Residen...

Income tax on Dividend Results of the listed companies are being declared and they are issuing dividends and bonus s...

What is Tax Consultant and what are the role and benefits of hiring tax consultant?

2 Dec, 2022

What is Tax Consultant and what are the ro...

In India, service sectors are booming. The pandemic covid 19 has changed the thinking and way of working of the residen...

Capital Gain in case of Compulsory Acquisition of an Asset

1 Dec, 2022

Capital Gain in case of Compulsory Acquisi...

Income tax on capital gain is one of the hot topic, that everyone wants to discuss including non-residents. Capital gai...

Benefits and Tax Treatment of Life Insurance Policy

29 Nov, 2022

Benefits and Tax Treatment of Life Insuran...

The life insurance policy can be defined as a contract between an insurer and policyholder where an insurer promises to...

Determine the period of holding for Capital assets

25 Nov, 2022

Determine the period of holding for Capita...

Under the capital gain the period of holding is an important criteria to determine Long term capital gain and Short ter...

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